I managed to get something together for the Alice Event,it wasn't what I hoped for and I am a tad disappointed but at least I participated.I did enjoy myself immensely and had a lot of fun doing the wooden doll shapes,I know that they wont be nearly as wonderful and glam as all the other dolls but they are kinda cute in their own way and I love them..
I could have sewn something but Hubby is on night shift so the noisy machine is out until next week,so I just had to make do with what I had on hand.
Next time I have a challenge I will order in my materials well in advance of the end date,I did for my part get some mold maker and foam shapes but I just couldn't get the clay,bumma,oh well I got to be a part of everything and next year will be better.
I am looking forward to seeing all the other dolls and seeing how you all put it together,wish I was part of the original group and had more challenges to do.
I have added a photo of what I used for this challenge so that you could all see what I was about.
I want to thank Artdolls for setting this up for us all to be a part of,its been fun.
Love to every one in this challenge xoxo
Oh I almost forgot,I will be having a give away On August the 8th,all four of the Alice dolls will be sent to the winner,so here's what you do,just state in the comment box for this post that you want to be in the draw for the dolls and on August the 8th we will do the out of the hat thing,I will announce the winner on my Blog the day of the draw!