I spent most of the day working on the dolls in my studio,I managed to achieve quite a bit but still I want more to happen!
The bad bunnies are coming along nicely and look suitably naughty,I think I will make some more perhaps in my holidays.
The cloth and paper clay dolls are nearing completion, just need to attach the hair,decorate the wings and add a few final blingy touches and they will be done and ready to sell,Im quite pleased with them and look forward to creating some more soon.
I think I have a round thirty dolls in the making at the moment and Im still thinking up more to create and finish,I have to choose which ones will go into the book yet and which ones to sell,mmm some thought is needed for this.
I have been using calico for most of my dolls,I cant seem to break away from it,it is so versatile,still I must experiment more with other types of cloth,perhaps I will try satin next.
30 dolls in the making....thats amazing! I can't wait to see them all, how wonderful:))I'm going to add this Blog to my BlogSpot. Thankyou for sharing your beautiful inspirational art, I love it!
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